Carrying the Cross For Jesus in D.C.

I am filled with the spirit of this beautiful message from St. John Paul II. It is this message that encourages me when I join with the hundreds of thousands of marchers who are giving their sincere gift to the millions of helpless unborn babies who will never live to see the light of day. 

Catholic Schools Week 2023

In anticipation of Catholic Schools Week 2023, The Tablet proudly presents this special pullout section with valuable information for current and prospective Catholic school parents on Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens.

Analysis: Running the Numbers, Africa Isn’t the Catholic Future — It’s the Present

While news agencies and Catholic social media denizens these days gorge themselves on the Vatican’s mounting “Battle of the Books,” seeing who can craft the most sensational headlines or tweets about several controversial new volumes making the rounds, other outfits are, thankfully, still concerned with things that actually matter.