Diocese of Brooklyn Remembers Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

FLATLANDS — Michele Guerrier was 10 years old when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated while standing on his hotel room balcony in Memphis in 1968. She had just recently immigrated to Prospect Heights from Haiti and was faced with, for the first time, the reality of racism in the United States.  It […]

Deanery Takes Floyd Bennett Migrant Camp Under Its Wing

After Venezuelan migrant Marlimar Gomez bundled up her 4-year-old daughter, two older children, and herself against the frigid southeastern Brooklyn cold, they set out from the tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field for the walk — more than 4 miles — to the nearest neighborhood, where she hoped to find food, warmer clothes, and, perhaps, toys for the children. 

Hispanic Catholics, Young & Old, Turn Out to Celebrate Three Kings Day

Bushwick’s Hispanic Catholic community braved snow flurries and frigid weather to celebrate the Epiphany, or Three Kings Day, on Jan. 7. Hundreds streamed into All Saints Catholic Church and Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii to commemorate the visit of the Magi — and in doing so, reinforced a sentiment voiced by Bishop Robert Brennan.

Influencers in Christ: Catholic Content Creators Use Social Media to Educate and Evangelize

Matthew Chicoine joined Instagram eight years ago in response to a tragedy. The death of an unborn child, compounded with the demands of his job as a Catholic school teacher, compelled him to turn to writing on his website (www.thesimplecatholic.blog) and Instagram (@thesimplecatholic) to “grapple with the stress and grief” of that year.

Faithful Can Receive an Indulgence in the Diocese

WILLIAMSBURG — To remind people of the true meaning of Christmas, St. Francis of Assisi made a decision 800 years ago that drastically revitalized Catholic tradition. In 1223, he gathered faithful to the town of Greccio, Italy, and staged, with animals, the first Nativity scene, reenacting the birth of Jesus Christ.  Now, in recognition of […]

Antisemitic Attack Survivor Calls For Expression of Faith

Joseph Borgen has had the same menorah since he built it in kindergarten. He looks forward to the first day of Hanukkah every year, when he can place it in his front window for all those who pass by his apartment to see.