International News

Mayor Eric Adams Meets Pope Francis at Vatican

Pope Francis arrives for an audience with people taking part in a conference on human fraternity at the Vatican May 11. Mayor Eric Adams is standing in the first row, third person from the left. (Photo: CNS screengrab/Vatican Media)

By The Tablet Staff

PROSPECT HEIGHTS — On Saturday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams met with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

Adams was attending the second edition of the World Meeting on Human Fraternity, a conference at the Vatican organized by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation.

Adams had an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican Saturday morning, the highlight of Adams’ sojourn to Rome.

“I think it  is crucial for what he’s doing about having a second meeting on the human fraternity is so important, because as young people will say, he’s a credible messenger, he’s an influencer,” Adams said reportedly told Pope Francis.

Adams clarified to reporters that he is “not a practicing Catholic,” but said that the visit to the global center of Catholicism was “a very important moment…for a spiritual outlet.”