Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of Aug. 6, 2022

Grottos in the Diocese

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s fine tour of grottos (“Place for Prayer,” July 30) reminds me of a Saturday morning in the early 1980s.

I was visiting my friend Charlie O’Boyle who at the time ran an automobile repair garage on Humboldt Street. It was across the street from Saint Francis DePaola Church on Conselyea Street. Charlie noticed a guy wheeling a shopping cart containing a statue of Mary, obviously taken from the grotto across the street from the church. Charlie rescued the statue and notified the pastor.

He stored it in his garage until a few months later when a worker from the diocese appeared. He told us he was going to secure the statue back in place with cement as there was a rash of statue thefts at that time.

Despite much development in the area, the grotto remains. The statue is still there, too, further protected by some bars.

Its setting will be further enhanced once the renovation of its grounds is completed.

When walking by, I smile when I see that the garage remains.

Matthew Timothy Meagher


Remember Mike Long

Dear Editor: Michael Long, former chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, passed away at age 82 (“Former Conservative Leader, Cathedral Club Board Member, Mike Long, Dies at 82,” July 30).

He made a significant impact on New York politics in 1994 when he was instrumental in electing George Pataki governor, handily defeating three-time Governor Mario Cuomo, and also in electing Al D’Amato to the U.S. Senate.

He was a tireless worker in promoting the conservative cause and a man of impeccable character who left a lasting impression on the many people he helped along the way.

It was a privilege to have known such a wonderful man, and with heavy hearts, we send our thoughts and prayers to his family.

RIP to a good and faithful servant. God bless you. You’ll be sorely missed.

Thomas and Constance Dowd

Oakland Gardens

2022 Midterm Elections

Dear Editor: The midterm elections are less than 100 days away. Now is time to review our duties and responsibilities as Catholics in the public square. Don’t wait until the last moment.

Many complex and important issues face voters in this midterm election. The overturning of Roe v. Wade makes these elections even more important and not, as some would suppose, less important.

This decision did not outlaw abortion. It merely returned the responsibility to regulate abortions to the people of the various states, increasing the significance of the many state and local elections along with many other issues.

Our responsibility as citizens and Catholics calls us to have properly formed consciences, a continuous process based on Scripture and Church teaching.

The issues include abortion, euthanasia, in-vitro-fertilization, human cloning, and research on human embryos, all intrinsic evils which can never be supported.

We must also look at the background information about potential choices.

Tom Klocek

Chesapeake, Va.

Catholics in Name Only

Dear Editor: Most Democrat politicians have shown strong public support for abortion, even up to the moment of birth, and have been outspoken in their support for abortion despite being Catholics.

Since the decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, these politicians have smeared these courageous justices and basically denied their faith. But they face no backlash from the hierarchy of the Church.

Why have Church leaders failed to rebuke the policies and positions of these rabid politicians?

They are shills for those in Planned Parenthood, and other organizations seeking to legalize abortion, who are their biggest donors.

Lawrence lancucki
