Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of July 30, 2022

Response to George Weigel

Dear Editor: I would like to comment on the column by George Weigel, entitled “Dobbs and the U.S. Vindication,” in the July 2 & 9 issue of The Tablet.

He gave expressive praise, mentioning the many who worked for the pro-life community and their annual march in January as a women’s movement, including the Knights of Columbus. He did this by comparing Brown v. Board of Education-1954, which overturned the 1896-Plessy v. Ferguson decision which upheld state-mandated segregation laws.

Critics of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision attack it as a failure to follow “stare decisis,” the concept of following prior precedent. If all prior Supreme Court decisions strictly followed unassailable “stare decisis,” segregation would still be legal. Why are the Supreme Court and its decisions only revered as the law of the land by the American left when it’s a decision they like?

Weigel’s clever, low-key, pertinent listing of names that kept our pro-life cause alive and out in front is a proud and sagacious appraisal of where we came from 50 years ago.

Joseph A. Cullina and Joseph F.X. Kasper

Richmond Hill

Remembering Father Greg Stankus

Dear Editor: I write to honor Father Greg Stankus (“Priest Devoted to ‘Keeping Christ Alive in the Lives of His People,’ ” page 11).

He led a noble life serving God and humanity. While millions of men on Sundays look forward to a day of sleep, golf, or watching football, I looked forward to Father Greg. Do you remember those immortal words of Neil Armstrong, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”? Well, each step Father Greg took to the altar was saying to us: “Whatever your burden is, you can find the strength to go on.”

I always waited for the punchline during his Mass. His timing was perfect. His witty comments would be discussed with my church companions on the ride home. I never missed an opportunity to visit him after Mass.

Being in his presence meant more to me than an audience with the Pope. I would be in awe of the Pope, but I loved Father Greg.

As summer turns to fall, attending church will never be the same. I’ll say the prayers and sing the songs, but something will be missing. Father Greg will be with the angels.

In loving memory to Father Greg,

Benjamin Bretner

Brighton Beach

On the Eucharist

Dear Editor: A recent writer lamented the news that perhaps as many as two thirds of Catholics today do not believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist (“Pew Research Report Sparked U.S. Bishops to Unveil Revival,” June 25).

In part, this may be due to a comparative dearth of Eucharistic theology proclaimed today. I would call attention to a work of Brant Pitre called “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.” It is an eminently readable exposition of how our Eucharist was prefigured in numerous biblical antecedents and how the mind of the savior may have understood and integrated it. It’s a great place to begin in seeking to explicate our theology of the Living Bread of Life.

Raymond F. Roberts

Bergenfield, N.J.

The Closing of St. Lucy-St. Patrick

Dear Editor: It saddens me as a former parishioner to read that St. Lucy-St. Patrick is closing (“St. Lucy-St. Patrick Shuttered Due to Changing Demographics, Costly Repairs,” July 16).

The architecture of both is exquisite. I was baptized and married in St. Lucy, as were my parents and relatives before me. Our family funeral Masses were also held there.

I attended St. Patrick’s school and received Eucharist and confirmation there under the guidance of the Sisters of Mercy.

Yes, demographics are changing, and Bishop Brennan has made the right decision because of the costly repairs.

God bless Luis Delgado and Father Henry Torres for their overseeing the property.

Maria Trapasso

San Diego, Calif.

Gov. Hochul’s Contradiction

Dear Editor: Concerning the July 23 As The Tablet Sees It (“Gov. Hochul Takes On The Supreme Court”): How can Governor Kathy Hochul boast that she is Catholic? It just does not make sense to practicing Catholics.

We continue to lose momentum in the public arena for what we believe in, for others to feel that we have a double standard in what the Church teaches us.

Joseph Sciame

New Hyde Park

OLMC Feast Was a Sure Thing

Dear Editor: The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast was a big event (“Glorious Giglio Makes Its Presence Felt,” July 16), and I was lucky to attend the opening ceremony.

The streets were full of lights and games, and a blessing was the perk of praying in the church left open for the night. The OLMC Feast has captured the classical arrangement of enjoyment.

Damaris Gonzalez

East New York