Letters to the Editor

Abortion and Mercy

Dear Editor: I wanted to express my profound gratitude to you for the beautiful Editorial you wrote in the April 20 edition of The Tablet! (“Rachel’s Helpers and the Mystery of Easter Sunday,” Editor’s Space). They sent it to me on Holy Thursday and I sat in my car and cried. What a gift of the Holy Spirit this was!

I know the Lord speaks to us through others and I believe that you were that conduit for me this Easter!

Being involved in this ministry can be complex, and so often we are challenged by others with differing ideas on how to effectively reach out to the public. I have always believed that we can only bear witness once we have exposed our own vulnerability and sin, which is precisely why I was willing to speak with reporter Emily Drooby, in spite of “push back” from some of my peers.

Your reflection on the Resurrection was so meaningful, and now that we are in the week of Divine Mercy, and our readings all deal with Our Lord’s many appearances to His disciples, I reflect on just how those very same men who had cowered in fear and hiding, became so convinced of the Truth after the Resurrection, that they were willing to die as martyrs for that Truth! Christ wants us to be courageous, as we are so often reminded in Scripture – “Be not afraid!”

Your generous words have further confirmed for me that admonition. I am hopeful that we can, with your help, reach so many more who are suffering in silence and shame!

Thank you and God Bless you!


Via email

One thought on “Abortion and Mercy

  1. The ten commandments teaches
    That abortion is murder in any circumstance
    With immoral implication today and history
    As to make it law shows that children of
    God shouldn’t be protected by the youth and
    When shown it’s alright to commit this
    Atrocity to themselves and mankind
    In conception and to poor , and Society
    Alike !