Our Youth

Youth Views: What is a talent that you do not posses yourself, but still appreciate?

Anna Sullivan, sophomore Fontbonne Hall AcademyAnna Sullivan, sophomore
Fontbonne Hall Academy

I talent I can appreciate is dancing. However, I do not have this talent. To dance a person needs to channel their emotions and represent how they feel. It takes a lot of courage and can greatly affect people.





Cynthia Sarkis, sophomore Fontbonne Hall Academy

Cynthia Sarkis, sophomore
Fontbonne Hall Academy

Making music is a talent I don’t have but one I appreciate. Music unites people of all cultures and is like a universally understood language. The ability to sing is also the ability to bring joy to other peple and communicate important messages.





Magan Clark, junior Fontbonne Hall Academy Magan Clark, junior
Fontbonne Hall Academy

I appreciate the talent of singing because it is something that I cannot do. I find it fascinating how people can make music with their voices that I love to listen to. Since it is something I cannot do. I admire those who can.




Isabella Grillo, freshman Fontbonne Hall Academy

Isabella Grillo, freshman
Fontbonne Hall Academy

I appreciate the talent of singing. I cannot sing at all, but I appreciate the beauty of music. Music is all around us in life so being able to sing is a wonderful talent to have.





Victoria Basile, freshman
Fontbonne Hall Academy

I am unable to play the violin, but I appreciate it very much. This instrument, although small, when played makes the most amazing sounds. I find the movements, sounds and overall ambience during a violin performance to be intriguing and very amazing.