Our Youth

Youth Views: What are your thoughts on the sacraments?

yv-cr-rm_cmykRomaris Moquete, Freshman
Cristo Rey H.S.

God gave us the sacraments so we can all have a fair chance of getting into heaven. Also, so we are able to show how much we truly want to get there.




yv-bl-cr_cmykCindy Rene, Junior
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S.

I think God gave us the sacraments to use as foundation, spiritual tools we can use to build our life on.




yv-bl-jp_cmykJohn Perez, Sophomore
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S.

God gave us the sacraments to show us the different steps needed in order to develop our relationship with Him.




yv-cps-dd_cmykDaniel Dugan, Sophomore
Cathedral Prep and Seminary

Sacraments are a sign that you belong to Jesus.





yv-bl-ep_cmykEvani Polanco, Sophomore
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S.

I believe the sacraments are important because they encourage us to be members of the church and they help us to understand our religion.