Our Youth

Youth Views: What are your summer plans?

yv-bl-ddDanajha Davis, Senior
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S

My plans for the summer are to work, do yoga, exercise, meditate, read and write more, and, of course, to have fun.



yv-cristorey-dc_cmykDaimond Clark, Senior

Cristo Rey H.S.

My favorite thing to do during the summer is exercise and play sports. My plans for this summer are quite different and interesting. I am going on a service trip to the Dominican Republic to build a basketball court.



yv-bl-ag_cmykAhmbria Garner, Senior
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S

This upcoming summer, I plan to be a camp counselor at my younger siblings’ karate school. I also plan to spend time with my friends since we are graduating and starting college.



yv-bl-aroquesilvas_cmykAdrian Roque Silvas, Senior
Bishop Loughlin M.H.S

My favorite thing to do during the summer is to go to amusement parks with my family. This summer I will be doing an internship with the organization Futures and Options where I will be paired with a company in Wall Street.



yv-cristorey-km_cmykKarie Magloire, Junior
Cristo Rey H.S.

During the summer, my favorite thing to do is just to relax. With my busy schedule during the school year, I just enjoy spending time with my family at home.