Letters to the Editor

Work to Dissolve Borders

Dear Editor: I recently read Father Catoir’s Up Front and Personal (April 29) on immigrations and protecting the borders.

I have been giving much thought to the issue of immigration in recent months and have sent letter to NYS Sen. Jose Peralta, my representative in the 13th Senatorial District. Mr. Peralta has been under a great deal of pressure from many Democratic leaders for joining a group in the State Senate that usually votes with the Republicans. He defends this move stating that it is the best way for him to gain support and funding for his constituents, many of whom are frightened of deportation. In one of his news releases, he states that ultra conservatives and un-American policies formulated in the Trump Administration have lead to fears of hard-working immigrants.

When borders are set, laws accompany them. Those who ignore the law for whatever reason risk arrest, and as long as borders are set, they probably will be preoccupied with their residency status in the United States, or in any country they enter without proper legal authority.

As a human being, a Catholic Christian, with some understanding and some experience in Mexico 56 years ago, my heart goes out to immigrants. I’m aware of their exploitation, the corruption of Central American leaders, as well as how immigrants are mistreated here in the United States.

It seems that anyone who wishes to assist immigrants, even for humanitarian reasons, is suspect and their motivation questioned.

Until the message of love leads to the dissolution of national borders and conditions in the world that drive people from their countries of origin, we will be confronted with these problems. Until the borders dissolve, perhaps we as a nation should focus on conditions in these countries that are causing their people to flee.


East Elmhurst