Letters to the Editor

Where Is the Outcry?

Dear Editor: I read with a shade of sadness the exceptional and passionate letter titled “The Shame of Abortion” by “Name Withheld” (July 23).

My sadness was not only at the necessity of the message, but also at the national degree of political cowardice that causes the writer to speak of the on-target comparison of the PC outcry against the NRA and gun ownership in general vis-a-vis the horror of the insidious and deafening silence one hears, when the national daily onslaught of legalized abortion is exposed and decried as murder, far crueler and more inhumanly insane than the atrocities of the Roman Colosseum, the WWII German death camps or Pol Pot’s killing fields, etc.

All of which combined, simply pale in any humanly imaginable context, dimension and/or degree of premeditated evil with the daily animalistic holocaust of civil and social derangement, aka the abortion mentality and “barbaric business” which “Roe v. Wade” has spawned.

Sadly, we are reaping that which we have sown and/or allowed others to sow by our apathetic silence in answer to the evil agenda of our so called leaders and their puppets and/or the power mad and greed driven supporters and mindless providers of death, aka Satan’s minions in our midst.


Dyker Heights

One thought on “Where Is the Outcry?

  1. Secular authorities have an excuse for being fools. Criticisms of the abortion holocaust will hold little validity if we stop ignoring the fact that vast numbers of “Catholics” are pro-abortion and numerous prelates have been cowards on the matter. Outrage should be directed towards our own Church. Calumny is not from speaking out but from the failure to speak out.