Letters to the Editor

Views on Shaking Hands

Dear Editor: I am responding to Alysoun Roach’s letter (April 15) regarding the sign of peace. There should be no shaking hands since you are receiving Holy Communion immediately after.

Recently, my wife and I were diagnosed with bronchitis the day after going to Mass. On Jan. 1, we had to get emergency care since we could not stop coughing. It had gotten so bad that for the next four weeks and had a total of four doctor visits.

Thank God by the end of January we started to get better. Please note, we would definitely like to shake hands, but only after Holy Communion.


Howard Beach


Dear Editor: I personally don’t shake hands at Mass. I’ve seen people sneeze or cough into their hand and then put it out for a handshake.

Minutes later you go up to receive the host in your hands. I’ll pass! A nod or warm glance or a wave is enough. Sometimes I’m the person with a cold and don’t want to pass it on. Let common sense prevail.


Rego Park