Letters to the Editor

The Pope Is an Inspiration

Dear Editor: I do not understand how you could print the ridiculous diatribe (Readers’ Forum, Sept. 9) of Father Marik Kaczmarski of Clearwater, Fla.

From the start of his pontificate, Pope Francis has been an inspiration not only to Catholics, but also to the world. At this point, papal pronouncements are listened to, and paid attention to, more than in many previous years.

As a fairly well-read Catholic layperson, I have as my sources of information, two Catholic newspapers, a daily newspaper and a weekly news magazine. I have never read of Pope Francis consulting with anyone “soft on abortion.” I will not try to contradict point by point the assertions made in Father Kaczmarski’s letter. But I have to say his claims don’t make any sense whatsoever. I would like to know where he gets his information.

The only three words in his whole letter that I could agree with are when he said Pope Francis “needs our prayers.” Indeed he does, and I pray every day that he continues to lead our Church as he has been doing so well.


Fond du Lac, Wisc