Dear Editor: Sister Ave Clark, O.P. has written a memoir dedicated to her friend Arthur Mirell, who died on Easter Sunday 2017 at the age of 70. Arthur had known Sister Ave for more than 10 years. He was a convert to the Catholic faith and was a much loved and admired parishioner of St. Jude’s parish in Brooklyn.
Arthur carried the burden of schizophrenia since a teenager, but he also carried a great gift: that of spreading the love of Jesus to all people he met, no matter how they treated. I only knew of Arthur for the past seven or eight years, hearing about him from Sister Ave who received multiple calls from him every day.
He was an extraordinary man, deeply in love with Jesus and wanting only to spread the love of God’s creation and His love for all of us. This memoir, “Arthur: Thank You For Being Jesus’ Love,” is a joy that should be shared. Sister Ave has give us all a wonderful gift.