Youth Views: Tell us about a commitment you have made.

Christian Ghoubrial, freshman Msgr. McClancy M.H.S. I am committed to get the highest grades I can possibly achieve. My future depends on what I do for the next four years, and I cannot let this time be wasted.       Christina Hoermann, freshman The Mary Louis Academy I made a commitment to stay in […]

Youth Views: What is your expectation of privacy?

Victoria Castellano, junior St. Agnes A.H.S. Privacy is something to be cherished. In today’s world, people exploit their own privacy to everyone.  I think that not everything should be announced.           Leea Rizzo, freshman The Mary Louis Academy I think you need to make all of your social media be on […]

Youth Views: Reflect upon the sacrament of marriage.

My parents recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. Marriage is something that has always been important to my family. We believe that the love and devotion between two people helps to strengthen both of them. My brother and I were the result of my parents’ loving and happy marriage. Even when things get rough, we work through things together, which I do not believe would be possible if my parents were not married.

Youth Views: What do you think of liturgical music?

I feel that liturgical music can help us pray better. It helps us grow closer to Him. I feel that by listening or singing along to liturgical music, it helps us to see what God has planned for us in the future.

Zona Jin, senior Bishop Kearney H.S.

Youth Views: How do you spend your money?

I usually divide my monthly allowance into three parts. For the first part, I buy honey and some healthy food. For the second part, I pay the phone bill. The third part I use for a small trip to the city every month.

Daniela Fazio, senior Archbishop Molloy H.S.

Youth Views: How do you express your creativity?

I express myself creatively through the service work/volunteer work I do at Molloy and for campus ministry. I am a campus ministry leader here, and I love helping others; it is how I truly allow myself to just be me.