Valentine’s Day will soon have come and gone – and that can mean date anxiety for singles. Before, during and after the holiday.
Valentine’s Day
Who Are Sts. Cyril and Methodius, the Other Feb. 14 Saints?
Not as widely known in the United States as St. Valentine are two other saints at the top of the list on Feb. 14, and recent popes have repeatedly sought to draw greater attention to them.
Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday on the Same Day: When Romance and Religion Collide
Two very different days converge this year when Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day. The day of romance meeting up with the day of fasting starting the season of Lent is a rare thing. Researchers point out this has happened a few times in the 1900s: 1923, 1934, and 1945, and in this century, researchers at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate said this overlap also happened in 2018 and will occur again in 2029 but that’s it for this century.