U.S. bishops have invited Catholics to fast and pray the rosary on Friday, May 13, in response to national tensions over a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, and put abortion law solely in the hands of states.
Bishop Brennan Calls for Prayer and ‘Transformation of Hearts’ as SCOTUS Decision Draws Near
In a reminder to New York Catholics that abortion access will likely go unfettered in the state regardless of federal rulings, the state’s bishops are calling on the faithful to advocate with charity, sensitivity and clarity, and to reaffirm the Church’s commitment to walking with pregnant mothers.
A Big Loss for Catholic Journalism On All Levels
Catholic News Service recently reported a story about itself — and the news wasn’t good.
Catholic News Service to Cease Domestic Operations at Year’s End
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops announced to staff May 4 a dramatic reorganization of its communications department, including the closure of the Washington and New York offices of Catholic News Service.
Mass Honors Construction Workers who Died on job Sites This Past Year
Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory wore a white hard hat instead of a bishop’s miter as he processed to the altar April 26 for the second annual Building Trades’ Workers Memorial Day Mass at St. Camillus Church in Silver Spring.
Hispanic Catholic Leaders Emphasize Bipartisanship in Immigration Reform
In a meeting with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on April 27, Gloria Mancilla explained the challenges she faces as a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient, including bi-annual background checks, inability to get loans, and uncertainty of status from administration to administration.
Texas Migrants Bound For Capital Need More Help: Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities DC is trying to give a “welcoming, Christ-like response” to migrants arriving in the nation’s capital on buses from Texas, but the head of the organization says there are concerns about a lack of leadership and assistance from the government, and what will happen if the buses arrive through the summer.
Pope’s Call for Worldwide Synodal Action Is Seed to be Planted, Nourished
Pope Francis speaks often of the importance of seeds being planted, and of the need to give them time and attention as they grow.
New Director of Eucharistic Congress Shares His Vision
The newly appointed executive director of the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress, Tim Glemkowski, said he envisions the event as a powerful moment of “unity and communion as a Church, that leads to a renewed mission in a public witness,” which changes lives and hearts, and propels the Church into the future.
HHS Expected to Propose Health Care Rule on Abortion, Transgender Services
Leadership at the Catholic Benefits Association believes the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will soon announce new regulations that may pose an existential threat to religious-based employers including Catholic hospitals.