At the US Border, Parishioners Fear Immigration Realities

While the separation of families is the issue on the front cover of the newspapers, there is another drama taking place in theses towns near the border. For many years, people on both sides of the border formed a large interconnected community. Close to 85 percent of the McAllen population is Hispanic and there are many families that have lived here for decades without proper documents.

Bishops Focus on People, Issues at Peripheries

While no one expected the U.S. Catholic bishops to use the beachfront hotel meeting site for their bi-annual meeting as a time for sunbathing and relaxation, few had predicted that this week’s gathering would gain such national attention.

US Bishops May Send Delegation to Mexico Border

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, announced the conference will explore the idea of sending a bishops’ delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border to inspect detention facilities and offer a sign of solidarity with migrants and refugees.

U.S. Bishops to Discuss Healthcare, Immigration and Religious Liberty in Florida

While the June meeting of the U.S. bishops is often considered to be the more lackluster of their two annual gatherings, at least in terms of news content, as they meet in Fort Lauderdale, Florida this week, major topics are on the agenda including healthcare, immigration, and religious liberty – all of which correspond to pressing issues on the national scene.