Catholic Leaders Call on Biden to Rescue Reeling Puerto Rico

There have been enough earthquakes in Puerto Rico over the past year and a half that the sensation has stuck with Archbishop Roberto González Nieves of San Juan. Sometimes, González said, he thinks the earth is shaking even when it’s not.

Biden Team to Review Trump Immigration Policies Prior to Reversal

While new U.S. President Joe Biden is still reviewing immigration directives from his predecessor, policy watchers expect a more immigrant-friendly path forward as well as help for some families adversely affected by Trump administration policies. But that path forward still is not clear.

Bishops Say Order on LBGTQ Equality Has Implications for Religious Liberty

President Joe Biden’s wide-ranging executive order to extend existing federal nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQ people exceeds the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2020 ruling on the issue in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, said the chairmen of five U.S. bishops’ committees. However, Biden’s order on “‘sex’ discrimination exceeds the court’s decision,” they said.