Cancel Columbus, Cancels All Italians

Why is Columbus so important to you? That’s a question I get from many, especially this time of year. Well, the answer starts in Brooklyn.

A Coincidence in Life or God’s Plan?

“There is no coincidence in life.”  Bishop Frank Caggiano of Bridgeport, Connecticut, made that observation awhile back in his “Let Me Be Frank” Radio Veritas podcast with his guest, Deacon Greg Kandra, creator of the popular blog, The Deacon’s Bench. 

The Power of the Words That We Use

During Senate hearings regarding the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Jackson told a beautiful story that speaks to that power. 

Love and Support For Catechists

Catechetical programs have resumed activities or will soon start in most Catholic parishes. Children, youth, young adults, and adults prepare to return to sessions where they will learn and reflect on their faith. 

9/11 Fire Chief Recalls ‘Ordinary Heroes’

For Joseph Pfeifer, the badge number 1513 that he received when joining the New York City Fire Department more than 40 years ago reminded him of his favorite gospel verse, John 15:13: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

St. Lorenzo Ruiz, Martyr-Saint

The feast day of the first Filipino martyr-saint, San Lorenzo Ruiz, will be celebrated on September 28.

Getting Teenagers Excited About Mass

Seemingly from the time I was in the cradle, my Catholic parents instilled in me the importance of going to Mass religiously (no pun intended) but were never able to articulate why we went, answering only “because we are Catholic, and that is what good Catholics do.”

The Bounty of Ordinary Times

Do your summer plans include planting a garden? To my mind, gardening is one of the most hopeful acts of joy, and joyful acts of hope, that I have seen.

Invoking Mary’s Intercession

We honor Mary throughout this month of August. For starters, we celebrate two important feast days that are linked together by an octave.

Remembering the Church of My Youth

There are many reasons why I love the Catholic Church. I was raised in the faith of my parents. From early childhood, I loved the mysticism, the rites, the sacramental vestments, the statues of the Virgin Mary, the Saints, and the prayers in Latin, which seemed more spiritual than what we have today.