Deacon John A. Tierney, who served at Sylvester’s parish, City Line, before transferring to the Diocese of Albany, died June 3 at Saratoga Hospital in upstate New York. He was 83.
St. Sylvester – City Line Brooklyn

65 New Lay Leaders Are Ready to Serve
The Diocese of Brooklyn commissioned 65 new lay leaders from 34 parishes at a bilingual Mass at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, Jamaica. The night was also a celebration of the years of service that catechists and ministers devoted to the Diocese of Brooklyn. Special recognition was given to Sister Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., for her 40 years of service to the diocese.

Sister Myra Elizabeth Griffin, S.C.
Sister Myra Elizabeth Griffin, S.C., (formerly known as Sister Joseph Thomas), a Sister of Charity, Halifax, N.S., for 73 years, died at the Newton Wellesley Hospital in Wellesley Hills, Mass., Nov. 2.

Lay Leaders Complete Ministry Program
The 61 new lay leaders from 37 parishes will coordinate new or existing parish ministries.

Sister Margaret Griffin, S.C.
Sister Margaret Griffin, S.C. (Sister Leo Stanislaus) died on March 13, at Mount St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, Mass., at the age of 99. A Sister of Charity (Halifax) for 80 years, she was missioned at St. Sylvester School in City Line, 1947-53 as an eighth-grade teacher. She also ministered at Our Lady of Good Counsel, […]