For Korean-born Father Pil-koo John Hwang, 36, priesthood is an important answer in his quest to find the meaning of life.

For Korean-born Father Pil-koo John Hwang, 36, priesthood is an important answer in his quest to find the meaning of life.
Two diocesan priests and two members of the Passionist Order are celebrating their 65th anniversaries of priesthood this year.
The Diocese of Brooklyn commissioned 65 new lay leaders from 34 parishes at a bilingual Mass at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, Jamaica. The night was also a celebration of the years of service that catechists and ministers devoted to the Diocese of Brooklyn. Special recognition was given to Sister Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., for her 40 years of service to the diocese.
“If I knew things would no longer be, I would have tried to remember better.” That’s a line from the 1990 movie “Avalon,” which comes to mind every Christmas season because it’s a time of year that prompts me to reflect on the past and the best gift I ever received.
On his way back from the Philadelphia World Meeting of Families, Archbishop Thaddeus Cho Hwan-Kil, head of the Daegu Archdiocese in South Korea, stopped at St. Raphael’s Church, Long Island City, to celebrate Mass with the Korean Martyrs Apostolate.
With parish communities invigorated by the papal trip, Generations of Faith has continued to roll. Collectively, these parishes have secured $27 million to date – with over 6,500 gifts from parishioners.