St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2024

New York City’s Fifth Avenue was awash with the sights and sounds of the 263rd annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 16. 

Bishop Returns Home to Lindenhurst As Grand Marshal of St. Pat’s Day Parade

With a smile on his face and a shillelagh in hand, Bishop Robert Brennan returned to his hometown, Lindenhurst on Long Island, on March 25 to march as grand marshal in the community’s Second Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The event was rain-soaked, but Lindenhurst’s citizenry lined the streets for the celebration.

Cardinal Dolan Welcomes ‘Fellow Irish One and All’ to St. Patrick’s Day Mass

The 262nd New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade stepped off from the front of the cathedral that bears his name, following a Mass celebrated by New York Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan before a sanctuary packed with Catholic clergy, local dignitaries, religious, representatives of the military, and faithful.

Impromptu Parade Marches Fifth Ave.

Usually On St. Patrick’s Day, the bells ringing from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan are heard by more than 100,000 marchers and at least a million spectators along one and a half miles of Fifth Ave. But for the first time in more than 250 years, the annual parade was postponed amidst concerns of COVID-19.