This week’s Tablet TALK highlights Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, a new CD from a Red Hook nun, FDNY block parties in the boroughs, an August pilgrimage to Catholic shrines in Quebec and much more.

This week’s Tablet TALK highlights Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, a new CD from a Red Hook nun, FDNY block parties in the boroughs, an August pilgrimage to Catholic shrines in Quebec and much more.
This week’s Tablet TALK features a Canarsie pastor’s ruby jubilee, highlights an upcoming art show in Marine Park featuring religious works, offers details on a young adult retreat this spring and much more.
Msgr. John Delendick, pastor of the Shrine Church of St. Jude in Canarsie, will celebrate the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination on Sunday, Feb. 12. He will celebrate a 12:30 p.m. Mass of thanksgiving in his parish church. All are welcome.
In Brooklyn and Queens, 1,125 adults and children will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio greeted them during the Rites of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion last Sunday, Feb. 14.
Filipino Archbishop Bernadito Auza, who serves as the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, was the guest celebrant for the Feast of Santo Niño on Jan. 16 at St. Jude’s Church, Canarsie.
John “Moe” Maloney’s life achievements probably won’t make any history books, but his everyday example of fidelity to faith, family and country is remarkable. Maloney served as the grand marshal of the Knights of Columbus’ 110th annual Independence Day Parade in Dyker Heights, June 27.
ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) – Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of Albany said opponents of a tax credit measure to support parental choice in education is being falsely characterized as a “scheme to benefit the rich.”
Those at 12:30 Mass at St. Jude’s in Canarsie had a surprise last Sunday when Gov. Cuomo spoke before the liturgy in support of the Education Investment Tax Credit.
This week’s Tablet TALK offers details about the 148th Brooklyn Memorial Day Parade, announces a family-friendly event at St. Joseph’s College, offers ways to honor Mary this month and more.
Sunlight streamed through the stained-glass windows of the Shrine Church of St. Jude, Canarsie, as Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio gathered with parishioners and clergy to celebrate the church’s Golden Jubilee Mass, last Sunday, Oct. 30. Blessings were also bestowed upon the parish’s new prayer garden, dedicated in memory of Father Rosario Pitrone, founding pastor.