In a 6-1 decision Dec. 3, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said the identities of some clergy accused of abuse that were redacted from a grand jury report issued in mid-August must remain permanently blocked from release.
sexual abuse
Bishop DiMarzio Holds A Dialogue With the Faithful About Sexual Abuse in the Church
The Diocese of Brooklyn is producing an informational video to address parishioners’ concerns about the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. The action comes after the New York State Attorney General issued subpoenas to the state’s eight dioceses to hand over files that relate to sexual abuse cases going all the way back to 1950.
After Bishops’ Meeting: Where Things Stand on Sexual Abuse Crisis
Now that the dust has settled on the U.S. bishops’ fall meeting in Baltimore, Md. – which was keenly anticipated in the run-up, and which turned out to be massively anti-climactic in the aftermath – it’s time to take preliminary stock of where things stand in the bishops’ efforts to respond to the clerical sexual abuse crisis.
Italian Church to Create National Anti-Abuse Center
Italian bishops have concluded their Nov. 12-14 extraordinary assembly. New guidelines on the question of clerical sexual abuse were discussed and presented, with the creation of a National Advisory Center to aid bishops and the promise to make a “more radical evangelical choice” in terms of prevention.
The Trust of the Faithful
Dear Editor: As a start (Newspapers Examine U.S. Bishops’ Responses to Abuse Allegations, The Tablet, Nov. 10), I’d like to make three suggestions for how bishops can begin to regain the trust of the faithful.
Vatican Asks US Bishops for Delay in Responding to Sex Abuse Crisis
At the start of the U.S. bishops’ fall meeting on Monday, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the bishops conference, announced that the Vatican has requested a delay on such measures until after a February Vatican summit on the scandal.
Lay Catholics Urged to Channel Anger at Church Abuse Crisis to Reform
In the wake of recent sexual abuse scandals, many Catholics are demanding real change, transparency with church leaders and more lay involvement. These views came across during a recent panel discussion – “A Path Forward on the Clerical Sexual Abuse Crisis” – at Georgetown University.
New York Auxiliary Bishop Accused of Sexual Abuse
In the latest allegations of sexual abuse to hit the U.S Catholic Church, Bishop John Jenik, an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of New York, has been accused of sexual abuse and is now under review by the Vatican.
Brooklyn Diocese Rejects Claims Made in New Lawsuit
At a news conference on Tuesday in New York City, Minnesota-based attorney Jeff Anderson announced a lawsuit against the eight dioceses of the New York State Catholic Conference on behalf of sexual abuse survivor Paul Dunn.
Buffalo Diocese Whistleblower to Tell Her Story on ‘60 Minutes’
As embattled Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo, N.Y., faces serious scrutiny of his handling of sex abuse cases, the original whistleblower in the case is set to appear in an interview with 60 Minutes.