Blessed Carlo Acutis will become the Catholic Church’s first Millennial saint when he is canonized on April 27, and another member of that generation is also on the same path.

Blessed Carlo Acutis will become the Catholic Church’s first Millennial saint when he is canonized on April 27, and another member of that generation is also on the same path.
The U.S. bishops gave their consent for the advancement of the sainthood causes of three U.S. Catholics at the local diocesan level.
Beatifying 10 Polish nuns killed by Russian soldiers at the end of World War II, it is difficult not to think of the suffering being endured by the people of Ukraine today and the need for peace in the world, said Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for Saints’ Causes.
An estimated 45,000 pilgrims from around the world gathered in St. Peter’s Square at the beginning of the canonization Mass, and tens of thousands more arrived in time for the recitation of the “Regina Coeli” prayer afterward, the Vatican said.
Last January, when Chris Charles Scott directed a documentary about five French priests who cared for the sick during the 1873 yellow fever epidemic in Shreveport, Louisiana, he never expected it would land in this year’s Cannes World Film Festival.
Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to Blessed Marie Rivier, a French nun who founded the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, paving the way for her canonization.
Retired Msgr. Robert J. Sarno’s career spans nearly a half century, with 38 years serving the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.
Father Emil J. Kapaun conformed his life to Christ, Bishop Carl A. Kemme of Wichita said about the Korean War hero at a funeral Mass for him Sept. 29.
Msgr. Quinn was a prime example of seeing the goodness in everyone. As a priest, he witnessed many local parishes not ministering to black Catholics, which caused him to have an examination of conscience. This examination of conscience led him to minister to the black Catholic community, ultimately establishing two churches that still stand today.
She is known as “Denver’s Angel of Charity” and she might just become the first African American saint in the Catholic Church.