Faith, redemption, and football metaphors filled The Ultimate Playbook conference at the Emmaus Center in Williamsburg on June 11, which aimed to provide men with guidance to improve their spiritual and personal lives.
A Time for Discernment: Vocation Retreat With Bishop DiMarzio
When 17-year-old Anthony Longo walks through the doors at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, Queens, he feels instantly at home.
Retreats Help Young Adult Catholics Advance
While time spent at a Catholic-based retreat won’t yield a material reward, a Pew Research study this year suggests that people who are active in religious congregations tend to be happier and more civically engaged than religiously unaffiliated adults and inactive members of religious groups.
United as One, Young Church
It took more than nine months of planning, but for the first time, the “One Youth Rally” retreat on Oct. 5 brought together teens from the 10 different Queens parishes within Deanery 5 for a a variety of opportunities for the youth to grow in their faith.