Differing on Cuomo

Dear Editor: I have always looked forward to reading Father John Cush’s columns and he has my utmost respect but this week’s Up Front & Personal (Jan. 10) left me stunned. Why did Father Cush quote Christopher Hale from the dissident group Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a notorious pro-abortion Democrat Catholic front group […]

A Comprehensive Pro-Life Agenda

Each year, the Pro-Life movement has united at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. This year, it will be held on Thursday, Jan. 22. This event provides an opportunity for us to gather in our Nation’s capital and march down Constitution Avenue, ending at the Supreme Court, where the decision to make abortion legal in the United States has set a destructive path and human life has been reduced to a choice. It is unfortunate that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the beginning of human life, its innate dignity and the possibility of terminating life.

Pro-Life Sci-Fi

Every so often, television can surprise you. Last Saturday’s episode of the long-running British science-fiction series, Doctor Who, broadcast on BBC America, went far beyond just the usual time travel and outer spaces themes that the 51-year old series normally covered. This episode, entitled “Kill the Moon,” was one of the most pro-life hours ever broadcast on television.

Pro-Life Goal Is an Abortion-Free World

More pro-life legislation has been enacted on the state level in recent years than at any time since Roe v. Wade, and even at the federal level, legislation has been introduced that would put the abortion limit in the U.S. at 20 weeks rather than at birth.

Pope: Defend Life in Womb

Pope Francis said Christians must defend life at all stages, especially before birth, and he praised efforts to assist pregnant women in difficulty and prevent the destruction of human embryos.

A pro-life supporter prays during a vigil opposite a Marie Stopes family planning clinic in London Sept. 26. The prayer vigil was part of the global pro-life campaign 40 Days for Life. (CNS photo/Olivia Harris, Reuters)

NJ Pro-lifers Win Victory for Life

by Chris Donahue  MANVILLE, N.J. (CNS) – Some pro-lifers get discouraged that bringing an end to abortion isn’t happening overnight, but the power of prayer is making a difference, said Kevin Dugan, a parish pro-life ministry leader. For years members of Dugan’s parish, Immaculate Conception in Somerville, have been joined by other faith communities in […]

Caregivers Respect Life Year-round

by Bill Dodds AS RESPECT LIFE Month rolls around each October, I realize that one of the joys of working with family caregivers is being able to point out to them that often what they’re doing is more than they realize they’re doing. Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of caregivers say, “I used […]

Bishops Reject Cuomo’s Abortion Proposal

As the New York state legislature session was grinding to a halt this week, the state’s Catholic Conference was assailing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s last-ditch efforts to radically increase abortion in New York. Abortion industry lobbyists said that Gov. Cuomo’s abortion bill would modify language about partial-birth abortion. “We believe such a change is intended to […]

Abortion Doctor Is Declared a Murderer

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) – Dr. Kermit Gosnell may have been convicted May 13 of murder at his Philadelphia abortion clinic, but “nothing can bring back the innocent children he killed, or make up for the vulnerable women he exploited,” said Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. And, he added, “the repugnance of his clinic conditions” must be remembered. […]