Still Marching for Life After 40 Years (with video and slideshow)

For 40 years, the cries of unborn children lost to abortion have been heard at the annual March for Life held in Washington, D.C. At this year’s march on Jan. 25, an estimated 500,000 anti-abortion advocates – the largest crowd in march history – traversed up Constitution Ave. through the snow to the Supreme Court. […]

Truth About Abortion Is Marching into View

After 40 years, it looks like the daily press has finally discovered the March for Life. The annual demonstration in Washington, D.C., to oppose the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion generally draws just about no coverage in the press. This year, it was different. The daily papers’ websites all carried feature […]

40 Years After Roe, Finally a Tipping Point

by Kathleen M. Gallagher After 40 years of legalized abortion in this country, I believe we are close to the tipping point. The Jan. 14 edition of Time magazine methodically analyzes the increasing tilt of public opinion and state public policies toward the pro-life position. It concludes: “the pro-choice cause is in crisis.” Indeed it […]

Nellie Gray, March for Life Founder, Dies at 86

by Mark Pattison   WASHINGTON (CNS) — Nellie Gray, who started the annual March for Life parade to protest the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide, has died at age 86. She was found dead in her home Aug. 13 in Washington’s Capitol Hill neighborhood by a March for Life staffer, Gene Ruane, who […]