Abandoned Baby Monica Mourned at Funeral at OLPH

NYPD officers escorted the funeral hearse as it slowly rolled up to the Basilica of Our Lady of PerpetualHelp, Sunset Park, on June 29. It was the final farewell to a baby who was abandoned and found dead earlier this year.

‘Abortion is Never the Answer,’ Pope Francis Says

Addressing participants at a Vatican meeting on medical care for “extremely fragile” babies and on the pastoral care of their parents, Pope Francis said the Catholic Church’s total opposition to abortion is not primarily a religious position, but a human one.

Pope Francis Strong in His Defense of Life

When describing Pope Saint John XXIII, 20th-century American theologian John Courtney Murray called him “the Pope of the Question Mark.” In many ways, the same phrase can be applied to His Holiness, Pope Francis. This pontiff can be difficult to understand and incredibly difficult to pin down.