Pro-Life Family Shows The Adoption Choice

The Stark family, who live in Pound Ridge in Westchester County, have seven children, six of them adopted, including three from China. The family’s story shows another facet of the pro-life movement: adoption.

Trump Makes History at March for Life

Pro-lifers from parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn joined the annual pilgrimage to March for Life, making the four-hour trek from New York to Washington D.C. and back. 

Pro-Life Committee Chair Calls Abortion A Human Rights Issue

Leading up to the annual March for Life in the nation’s capital, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kan., spoke to The Tablet Jan. 20, about the status of the pro-life movement in what he referred to as ‘a very active battlefield.’

Sisters of Life Work in Face of ‘Extreme Pro-Abortion Ideology’

Sister Virginia Joy is a member of the Sisters of Life, which was founded by the late Archbishop of New York, Cardinal John O’Connor. Joy is the Respect Life Director of the Archdiocese of New York. She spoke to Charles Camosy about the pro-life ministry in the archdiocese

Daleiden to Appeal Multimillion Judgment in Planned Parenthood Lawsuit

After a 10-member jury handed down a multimillion-dollar verdict late Nov. 15 in a federal lawsuit against David Daleiden late Nov. 15, a Chicago based pro-life firm said it would appeal the judgment on behalf of Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress.