Only In Print: Pro-Life Advocates Cite Suffragists as Allies

Susan B. Anthony fought for decades for women to have the right to vote, a historical fact that has been known for a long time. But pro-life advocates of today said that another battle she waged is not as well known — the fight against abortion.


U.S. Prelates Oppose Plan to Codify Roe v. Wade in Federal Law

Ahead of a Senate vote next week, two U.S. Bishops Conference chairpeople have labeled a bill that would codify abortion rights into federal law as “built on a false and despairing narrative” that abortion is the “only, or best, solution to a crisis pregnancy.”


European Bishops Hit Back Against Macron Abortion Plan

Europe’s bishops have criticized French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal earlier this month to include abortion in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, saying that doing so would not only be unethical but would oppose European values.