Father Daniel O. Kingsley

For Father Daniel O. Kingsley, 26, the journey to priesthood began with one simple question: “Have you ever considered Cathedral Preparatory Seminary?”

Father Jose Andres Henriquez Castano

Father Jose Andres Henriquez Castano, 28, knows the value of engaging youth in the life of the church; he needs only to look in the mirror.

Father John Gribowich

For Father John Gribowich, 36, the best type of ministry is to love others. “I have a great love for the poor ever since I was in high school. I want to live the social justice mission of the church.”

Father Nicholas Colalella

Italian-American Father Nicholas Colalella, 24, who began discerning his priestly call in high school, is ready to cast his life for God.

Father Christopher Bethge

The example of faithful and joyful priests showed Father Christopher Jeffrey Bethge, 25, what true priesthood and fatherhood is, enabling him to discern his own vocation.

Pope Urges Priests to Be Men of Tenderness

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis told priests to seek the lost, serve the unwanted and share God’s unconditional love. “I ask you to be shepherds with God’s tenderness, to leave the ‘whip’ hanging in the sacristy and be shepherds with tenderness, even with those who create more trouble for you,” he said.

Africa, Asia See Increase in  Number of Priests

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Results of a study released June 1 by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) said that the highest growth rates for numbers of priests are in Africa and Asia.

Choice of College Can Determine One’s Vocation

By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) – The college experience – and the Catholic college experience, especially – can influence a young man’s decision toward considering a priestly vocation, according to a study issued in early July by Boston College. Among the factors that have helped sway a man’s decision to enter priestly life are access […]

Welcome to Our Permanent Deacons

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As we approach the end of May, we are blessed with ordinations to both the Transitional Diaconate, as well as the Permanent Diaconate. We will ordain four Transitional Deacons now this spring and four on Nov. 7, for Ordination to the Priesthood in 2016. At the same time, I was privileged to ordain 19 permanent deacons on Saturday, May 23, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.