One Year After the Election of Trump, US Bishops Shift Focus

On this one-year anniversary of the election of President Donald Trump, The Tablet examines the ways in which the U.S. Catholic bishops have shifted their policy priorities over the past year and how immigration, in particular, has become a defining issue for the U.S. Church.

A Compassionate Solution

Dear Editor: In August, reader Ed Moffitt projected his feelings of being troubled by what our Pope Francis has publicly stated about the President and building the wall. Pope Francis’ view is public opposition of our president who wants to keep our country safe from harm; his primary duty as president.

Catholics Back TPS to Avoid Family Break-Ups, Putting People At Risk

U.S. Catholic leaders are calling on the Trump administration to extend the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program for foreign nationals who are living in the United States as a result of violence, natural disaster or other extraordinary circumstances.

Paul Ryan Praises Catholic Charitable Work, Silent On Immigration at Al Smith Dinner

At a time when the Catholic Church’s relationship with the Trump administration is marked by particular tension over the decision to end the DACA program, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan headlined the 72nd annual Al Smith dinner on Thursday night in Manhattan. The dinner is one of the most prominent fundraising events held by the Catholic Church in the United States.

Recognizing Conscience

In a rare triumph for religious freedom and the liberty of the conscience, the Trump Administration was able to issue rules, albeit interim, concerning the exemption for religious organizations who do not wish to supply contraception and abortifacients for their employees.

Trump Administration Issues New Contraceptive With Greater Religious Exemptions

The Trump administration announced an interim rule on Friday that would provide greater religious exemptions to the federal contraceptive mandate. While groups affected by the mandate will still have to seek formal relief in court, advocates for religious freedom are hailing today’s announcement as a significant victory.

Pope Francis Sends Prayers to Victims of Las Vegas Massacre

Following the shooting in Las Vegas last night, the deadliest in American history, Pope Francis has sent a telegram assuring the victims and their families of his prayers, and entrusting the dead “to the merciful love of almighty God.” The pontiff also commended the efforts of those police and emergency services personnel who were the first responders.

U.S. Bishops Urge Caution On Republican-Backed Healthcare Bill

The United States bishops are urging caution on the proposed Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill that is currently scheduled for a Senate vote next week. Four bishops from pro-life, migration, religious liberty, and justice and human development committees sent on a letter on Thursday rejecting the partisan bill and its rushed timeline.