Pope Tells Cardinals to Restrain Celebrations

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Writing to the 20 new cardinals he will create in February, Pope Francis said they should graciously accept that their friends, family and faithful will want to celebrate, but they also should ensure that the celebrations are not exaggerated. “As good Christians, they will celebrate because Christians rejoice and know how […]

Pope Says Annulments Should Be Free of Charge

Pope Francis, addressing the Vatican tribunal primarily responsible for hearing requests for marriage annulments, said: “How I wish that all processes were free.”

Nonsense on “60 Minutes”

“60 Minutes,” The CBS News “magazine” that helped redefine television journalism, prides itself on challenging conventional wisdom. No such challenge, alas, was evident in the program’s recent segment on Pope Francis, which aired Dec. 28.

Understanding Pope

Pope Francis gave another one of his airplane press conferences on his return to Rome from Manila. And, once again, the words uttered by Pope Francis had the world listening and people of all sorts of perspectives taking his words out of the context in which he spoke them.

Racial Divide Still Plagues Us

The current situation in our country, especially in the City of New York, brings to mind the question of racial and class divide in our society. I am grateful to my brother Bishop Edward Braxton, of Belleville, Ill., for his reflection on “The Racial Divide in the United States: A Reflection for the World Day of Peace 2015.”

Pope Supports ‘Responsible Parenthood’

ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM MANILA, Philippines (CNS) — Pope Francis stressed that, despite Church doctrine against contraception, Catholics fail to practice “responsible parenthood” when they have too many children. He also denounced the teaching of “gender theory” in schools, likening it to indoctrination of children by the Nazis and fascists. The pope made his […]

Pope Makes a Surprise Visit to Buddhist Temple

By Anto Akkara MAKOLA, Sri Lanka (CNS) – When Pope Francis made a surprise visit to a prominent Buddhist temple in Colombo Jan. 14, the head of the Maha Bodhi Society of Sri Lanka reciprocated by showing the pope historical relics of Buddhas’ disciples, normally exposed only for the annual Buddhist feast in May. “The […]

First Sri Lankan Saint Is Symbol of Harmony

Canonizing Sri Lanka’s first saint, who ministered to Catholics under persecution three centuries earlier, Pope Francis proclaimed what he called the “fundamental human right” of religious freedom.

Serra Announcement Surprised Everyone

Even people who have been promoting the sainthood cause of Blessed Junipero Serra were surprised when Pope Francis said that he hopes to canonize the 18th-century Spanish Franciscan who founded missions across Mexico and California.

Common Sense Makes Little Sense to Some

In his remarks about the attack on Charlie Hebdo, the pope is not justifying killing someone who insults one’s faith, but he is saying that no one has the right to insult another’s religion and if they do so, they are going to provoke a reaction.