Pope Says Women Must Have Greater Roles in the Church

“I am convinced of the urgency of offering space to women in the life of the church and to welcoming them, taking into account specific and changing cultural and social sensitivities,” Pope Francis said.

Pope’s Detour Surprises Immigrants

ROME (CNS) – When Pope Francis walked through the gate surrounding a group of shacks and very humble homes, it took a while for people to notice. In fact, when a couple of people looked out their doors, the pope’s chief security guard motioned them to come over. “Papa Francisco!” someone shouted in Spanish, and […]

Pope Announces He’ll Go to Bosnia

The one-day trip, scheduled for June 6, is an effort to bolster a minority Catholic population and encourage dialogue and friendship among once-warring ethnic and religious communities.

Understanding the Pope

It seems that just about every time Pope Francis makes wonderfully “shocking” statements, there are those in the Church who try to slice and dice the value of his words by adding phrases such as “taking his words out of context,” “not what the Church teaches,” “this is what the Pope really means,” and so on.

Unique Challenges for Vatican Diplomacy

The Vatican engages in bilateral diplomacy to secure the freedom of the Catholic Church to be itself in the countries with which the Holy See has, or wishes to have, diplomatic relations.

Concrete Kindness

The Vatican has announced that, in addition to the new showers being built under the colonnade at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City State, barbers in Rome on Mondays (the traditional day off for barbers) will begin offering haircuts and shaves for the homeless and those in need. Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, will be in charge of the project, which is set to begin on Feb. 18.

Waking Up the World

Last November, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Francis declared a Year of Consecrated Life beginning on that day and to continue until Feb. 2, 2016, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. As a religious, Pope Francis understands, perhaps better than many, the gift of consecrated life to the Church, as well as the difficulties of leading a consecrated life in the world today.

Pope Says Christians Are United in the Shedding of Their Blood

By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Christians are united in bloodshed as they suffer from violence and persecution in various parts of the world, Pope Francis told Christian leaders. Today’s martyrs are men and women, who through their witness to Jesus, are “persecuted and killed because they are Christian,” the pope said Jan. 25 during […]