Power of Religious Life

This past week, the Vatican sponsored a workshop for formators and vocation directors of religious orders of women and men from around the world. It culminated in an audience with Pope Francis, who himself is a member of a religious order, the Jesuits.

Pope Prays for Defense of Christians

Christians live the joy of the Resurrection when they share a smile with someone, weep with those who mourn and defend the rights of those persecuted for their faith, Pope Francis said.

Announcing the Holy Year

Celebrating the first vespers for Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis formally will deliver the “bull of indiction” or proclamation of the extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy.

Papal Preacher: Persecutions Being Ignored

Widespread indifference to the violent persecution of Christians and other communities suggests the world is full of Pontius Pilates who eagerly wash their hands of all responsibility, said Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the papal household.

Recognizing Evil

This coming Sunday, April 12, on the feast of the Divine Mercy, Pope Francis, is scheduled to preside at an Armenian Catholic rite Divine Liturgy at St. Peter’s. The main reason why he is choosing to celebrate this Armenian liturgy on this day is to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the massacre of Armenians by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, a Sunni Islamic state, in 1915.

Pope: Exhaustion Is Part of Being a Priest

Priestly ministry is hard, sometimes lonely or dangerous work serving the neediest with an open, vulnerable heart, Pope Francis told the world’s priests.

Pope Shares Easter Joy

As Holy Week and Easter approached, Pope Francis wanted to show his ongoing concern for people persecuted and displaced by violence in Iraq and in northern Nigeria.