Pope to Visit Cuba?

Discussions about Pope Francis possibly visiting Cuba in September are so preliminary that the idea cannot be considered more than a hypothesis, the Vatican said.

Vatican, LCWR Reach Agreement on Bylaws

Vatican, LCWR Reach Agreement on Bylaws

The agreement ended a seven-year process of investigating the group and engaging in dialogue with its officers to ensure greater harmony with Church teaching.

Pope Mourns Beheaded Christians

Pope Francis sent his condolences to Patriarch Mathias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church for the execution of more than 20 Ethiopian Christians at the hands of Islamic State militants in Libya.

Pope Ready to Visit South America

Pope Francis is expected to arrive July 6 in Ecuador, starting a three-country tour of his home continent, the Associated Press reported from Quito.

Pope’s ‘Genocide’ Remark Angers Turkey

Pope’s ‘Genocide’ Remark Angers Turkey

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, Pope Francis said atrocities from the past have to be recognized — not hidden or denied — for true reconciliation and healing to come to the world.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Our Popular Pope

As we prepare for the Papal Visit to the United States, and in particular to New York, during the next several months, it might be well to focus on the Pope whom we will welcome.

Papal Itinerary in Sarajevo

Pope Francis will make an 11-hour visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina on June 6, taking time to meet with the nation’s leaders and bishops, and also spending time with young people.

Pope Encourages, Cautions Work of Vocation Directors

Despite fewer vocations to consecrated life, those responsible for formation in religious institutes must know how to say no to unsuitable candidates, so as to avoid a “graver crisis of quality” down the road, said Pope Francis.

Christians Called to Patience, Harmony

The presence of the Holy Spirit makes Christian communities places of harmony and sharing where wealth is not accumulated, but put at the service of the needy, Pope Francis said.

‘Genocide’ Continues

Pope Francis has shown brave witness at the Mass he celebrated in the Armenian Rite when he called the systematic slaughter of Armenian Christians “the first genocide of the twentieth century” and connected the Armenian genocide to the persecutions and murders of Christians today throughout the Middle East.