Medjugorje Statement Coming

Pope Francis said the Vatican was ready to make an announcement concerning the alleged Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Pope Brings Peace Mission To Bosnia

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (CNS) – To overcome fear, discrimination and conflict, people must have a deep desire to open themselves up to God and His mercy, and work actively for peace every day, Pope Francis said.

Carol Glatz

Pope Will Find Fragile Peace in Bosnia

Pope Francis’ concern for those suffering on the margins and for small Catholic communities that have kept the faith alive through war or repression will take him to Bosnia-Herzegovina in early June.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Material and Spiritual Poverty

FROM THE TIME he stepped out on the balcony right after his election as pope, Francis has fascinated me. The Holy Father has captured the minds and hearts of many thousands. I wait with joyful expectation for the next statement of his that might be reported in the press. So far I have not been disappointed.

A Steady Barque

This past week, Rome hosted two very different, but important meetings. The first was at the Vatican, chaired by Pope Francis himself, as a meeting of the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops. This was a preparatory meeting held to get ready for October’s Synod on the vocation and mission of the family in the Church and Society.

NET Coverage of Papal Visit

Pope Francis said he will dedicate his one-day visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina to encouraging a minority Catholic community. NET-TV will broadcast highlights of his trip on Saturday, June 6, at 10 a.m.

NCCW Past President Receives Cross of Honor

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Patty Johnson, immediate past president of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (For Church and Pope) Medal from Pope Francis.