Encyclical’s Authority

Editorial: Care for the environment is a moral issue. Our Holy Father is asking us to take seriously our responsibility to care for our common home.

Encyclical on Environment Due Thursday

As soon as Pope Francis’ eagerly awaited encyclical on the environment is available from Catholic News Service (CNS), we will publish it here.

Encyclical Has Franciscan Title

ROME (CNS) – “Laudato Si,” the title Pope Francis chose for his encyclical on the environment, comes from a hymn of praise by St. Francis of Assisi that emphasizes being in harmony with God, with other creatures and with other human beings, said the head of the Franciscan order. Sitting under towering trees, surrounded by […]

Richard Trumka

Pope Supports Work of Labor Movement

Pope Francis speaks for the church I grew up in when he calls for an organized moral response to the injustices of modern capitalism.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Influencing One Another

IN LAST WEEK’S column, I quoted from an excellent essay in Commonweal (April 10, 2015) by Cardinal Walter Kasper: “Open House: How Pope Francis Sees the Church.” I confessed that I was fascinated by the expression “a mysticism of the people,” and that I wanted to understand just what it means.

Water Theme Will Run Through Encyclical

Of all the injustices Pope Francis could address in the June 18 encyclical on ecology and climate, lack of access to clean water is emblematic.

Encyclical Due June 18

Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Sii” (Praised Be), a line from St. Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of Creatures,” will be released June 18.