Laudato si’ Study Guide: Chapter Five

Laudato si’ Study Guide: Chapter Five – LINES OF APPROACH AND ACTION
(Dialogue on the environment; In the international community; Dialogue for new national and local policies; Dialogue and transparency in decision-making; Politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfilment; Religions in dialogue with science).

Laudato si’ Study Guide: Chapter Six

(Toward a new lifestyle; Educating for the covenant between humanity and the environment; Ecological conversion; Joy and peace; Civic and political love; Sacramental signs and the celebration of rest; The trinity and relationships between creatures; Queen of all creation; Beyond the sun).

Encyclical’s ‘To Do’ List

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home” points to numerous ways world organizations, nations and communities must move forward and the way individuals – believers and people of good will – should see, think, feel and act. Here are some of the pope’s suggestions, with references in […]

Laudato Si’ Is Riding High Wave of Approval

By Dennis Sadowski WASHINGTON (CNS) – Long before Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for creation was released, it was providing a boost for a group of women struggling to keep the negative influences of modern-day life from erasing valued Mexican traditions and treasured cultural practices along the Mexico-Texas border. The dozens of members of El […]

Pope Says Shroud Is ‘Icon of Great Love’

By Laura Ieraci VATICAN CITY (CNS) – It took place in silence and lasted only a few minutes, but Pope Francis’ time of prayer and contemplation before the Shroud of Turin was marked with gestures of reverence and tenderness. Revered by many as the burial cloth of Jesus, the shroud was the second stop on […]

Impacting the World

Last week, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, released his encyclical, “Laudato Si,” which is on the care of our common world. Far from just a letter on environmental issues, the pope is addressing a larger issue: the impact that we, as human beings, have on the world. We are each called to be good stewards of the gifts which with the Lord has blessed us.

Encyclical: Respect ‘Sister Earth’

By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Earth, which was created to support life and give praise to God, is crying out with pain because human activity is destroying it, Pope Francis says in his long-awaited encyclical, “Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home.” All who believe in God and all people of […]

Pope Suggests Peace Plan to Putin

When Pope Francis met Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vatican June 10, the ongoing crisis in eastern Ukraine was the principal topic of their conversation.