See, Judge, Act

Third in a series IN THE FIRST FEW months of his pontificate Pope Francis was depicted, at least in some reports, as though he was totally different from the popes who had preceded him. The impression was received by some that there was little connection between Francis and his predecessors. Of course this was a very wrong impression.

Ask Israel To Protect Christian Churches

Although Israeli officials have publicly criticized the June arson attack that seriously damaged the Benedictine Church of the Multiplication in Tabgha, anti-Christian violence is not new, said a representative of the religious order.

Bishop of the Media

Last Tuesday, Pope Francis appointed Father Robert Barron, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago as one of the new auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This, in many ways, is a recognition by the pope, of the unique ministry of Father Barron.

He’ll Talk About Jesus

Prior to the ordination liturgy of our two new auxiliary bishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan was asked by one of our stalwart producers from NET-TV what he thought Pope Francis would be speaking about during his visit to the U.S. in September. The cardinal simply replied with one word: “Jesus.”

Dominicans Connect With Pope’s Words (with slide show)

Caring for all of God’s creation is the theme of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical “Laudato si’.” It’s also been at the heart of a farming project conducted for the past 20 years by the Sisters of St. Dominic at their motherhouse in Amityville, L.I.

Ordination for Two New Auxiliary Bishops

Two diocesan priests with years of institutional and pastoral experience were ordained auxiliary bishops to serve Brooklyn and Queens at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, July 20. It was the first episcopal ordination held at the site.

Trip Offers Insights on How to Greet the Pope

People make special preparations for welcoming a special guest, and watching what worked and did not work in Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay may help people preparing for Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. in September.

Pope Urges Mayors to Fight Climate Change

After decades of world leaders trying to set global goals to address climate change and extreme poverty, city mayors gathered at the Vatican to pledge they will take real action.