Francis’ Emphasis On Mercy

Sixth in a series AS I have been reporting in several columns in this series on Pope Francis’ vision for the Church, I have found a marvelous guide in Cardinal Walter Kasper’s “Pope Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love” (New York: Paulist Press, 2015, pp. 117, $16.95). I cannot recall any book the length of […]

An Oasis of Mercy

Last April 11, at First Vespers of Divine Mercy Sunday (Second Sunday of Easter), Pope Francis presented the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy, entitled “Misericordiae Vultus” or “The Face of Mercy.”

Colombian Guerrillas Seek Meeting With The Pope

Representatives of Colombia’s FARC have asked to meet Pope Francis in Cuba in September and have requested the Church name a permanent delegate to their peace negotiations with the government.

Carolyn Woo

Examining Our Aspirations

WHILE READING a United Nations Development Program report on violence in Latin America, I encountered the term “aspirational crimes,” used to explain the tragic acceleration in crimes on and by young people. The term refers to crimes motivated by money and the irresistible desire for consumption. Partly this is to support one’s family in situations where poverty is intolerable. But a large part is for the “cool” gadgets, shoes, clothes, electronics, etc., that swell a young man’s swagger and elevate his position within a gang, mark his achievement and anesthetize his misery for the moment.

The Impact of Liberation Theology on Pope Francis

What has made Cardinal Walter Kasper’s “Pope Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love” especially interesting to me is that Cardinal Kasper seems to know the Holy Father’s theology and spiritual approach to problems so well.

Francis, Just in Time

Dear Editor: Re: Insider’s Look at Francis’ Vision. Father Robert Lauder in The Tablet (July 18) rightly wrote that sex abuse scandals caused serious damage and demoralization. Consequently, the Church moaned in uncertainty and lack of confidence as its missionary vitality languished. The consumerist secular world seized advantage to marginalize us as we spiraled toward irrelevancy.

Integral Ecology

The news last week concerning the killing of Cecil the lion by U.S. citizen Walter Palmer is troubling and tragic to say the least. And yes, we can join our voices to the obvious inconsistency that more people are outraged by the murder of an animal than by the slaughter of the innocent unborn in […]