Pope Will Meet Refugees in NYC

When Pope Francis visits New York, he will meet 150 immigrants and refugees at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in East Harlem on Sept. 25.

MSG Liturgy Will Be Simple Weekday Mass

A “simple weekday Mass” is in the works when Pope Francis celebrates the liturgy with 20,000 people at Madison Square Garden during his U.S. visit.

US Priests Had Power to Absolve Sin of Abortion

Pope Francis’ Sept. 1 announcement that priests worldwide will be able to absolve the sin of abortion will have little effect on pastoral practices in the U.S., where most priests already have such authority in the sacrament of reconciliation.

Francis Simplifies the Annulment Process

Rewriting a section of the Latinrite Code of Canon Law and of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Pope Francis said he’s not “promoting the nullity of marriages,” but a quicker, cheaper and much more pastoral process.

Pope Brings a Message of Peace

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This week, we have commemorated the anniversary of the terrorist attack on America on Sept. 11, 2001. That day is etched in the memory of all people in the United States, most especially the people of the New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania metropolitan regions who experienced firsthand that terrible day in our history. We cannot erase from our memories the horrific recollections of that day. However, we can learn from those experiences that no matter how great was the tragedy which we experienced, the resiliency of our faith enables us to come back and to become stronger from such a terrible experience.

Allowing Truth to Guide Our Lives

Re-reading the cardinal’s book makes me feel as though I am on retreat or making days of recollection. I can only describe the book in superlatives. I feel as though, through Cardinal Kasper’s insights and comments, I have entered into Pope Francis’ mind.

Pope Asks For an End to Modern Martyrdoms

Pope Francis asked the international community to “put a stop to the violence and oppression” after calling attention once again to the fate of persecuted Christians.

There Is No ‘Typical’ Parish in the US

If Pope Francis were to have time on his U.S. visit in September to stop at “typical” parishes, it might take a week or two just to see a representative sample.

Expect Pope Francis to Affirm, Challenge Politicians

Flanked by Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner – two high-profile Catholic politicians – the visual of Pope Francis’ Sept. 24 address to Congress will signal an evolving narrative.