U.S. Cardinal William Levada, Former Doctrinal Head, Dies in Rome

VATICAN CITY (Catholic News Service) —  U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada, former head of the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation and retired archbishop of San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, died Sept. 26 in Rome. He was 83. When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2005, he named then-Archbishop Levada to replace him as […]

Pope Emeritus Benedict Responds

In April, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI published an essay written in German and translated into English for the National Catholic Register and Catholic News Agency on the sexual abuse crisis.

Benedict XVI Takes Short Trip Outside Vatican, Visits Towns Outside Rome

It is widely understood that Pope Francis is not a big vacation guy, preferring to spend his Summer in the Domus Sanctae Marthae where he lives. But as a heat wave breaks records across Europe, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI decided to visit the cooler papal estate of Castel Gandolfo on Thursday.