September 5th marked the 25th anniversary of the death of St. Teresa of Calcutta, but in the Diocese of Brooklyn, fond memories of the woman known simply as Mother Teresa remain.

September 5th marked the 25th anniversary of the death of St. Teresa of Calcutta, but in the Diocese of Brooklyn, fond memories of the woman known simply as Mother Teresa remain.
Ryan Edwards, 14, was born decades after Martin Luther King Jr. led the March on Washington and delivered his “I Have A Dream” speech. But the teenager said King’s message resonates with members of Gen Z like him.
Celebrated every November, Black Catholic History Month was established in 1990 by the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus to highlight the contributions of the black faithful to the Church in America. Our Lady of Victory Church in Bedford-Stuyvesant was the site of this year’s celebration in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
A special prayer service was held at Our Lady of Victory Church in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Jan. 18, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, to celebrate the civil rights icon’s life and legacy.
As a first-generation Haitian/Mauritian-American, Laguerre knew choosing a career that wasn’t going to lead him to medicine or business might raise some eyebrows in his family. And even though he had expressed interest in robotics and engineering, his natural proficiency in mathematics and connecting parts together pointed to his true vocation: leading others to Christ through sound and songs as a church music director.
If there could be one description of Our Lady of Victory parish whose glorious grounding withstood the test of time as a beacon of faith for 150 years, it would be entitled labor of love. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, former pastors, parishioners and Our Lady of Victory school alumni, gathered at the Bedford-Stuyvesant site for a sesquicentennial closing Mass June 10.
Shades of Color, a concert event to celebrate diversity through music, will be held at Our Lady of Victory Church, Bedford-Stuyvesant, May 6 at 4 p.m.
The diocesan Vicariate of Black Catholic Concerns hosted its annual praise and prayer service celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Our Lady of Victory Church, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Jan. 15.
This week’s Tablet TALK highlights a jazzy night in Bedford-Stuyvesant, a climate change documentary in Bayside, a night of feathers, beads and masks in Mill Basin and much more.
Father Agustino Torres will be the guest speaker at an upcoming prayer breakfast at Out Lady of Victory Church, Bedford-Stuyvesant.