A wave of humanity — 1,476 strong and dressed in yellow T-shirts — poured from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Corona on Saturday, April 20, destined for the Diocese of Brooklyn’s first-ever Eucharist Revival.

A wave of humanity — 1,476 strong and dressed in yellow T-shirts — poured from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Corona on Saturday, April 20, destined for the Diocese of Brooklyn’s first-ever Eucharist Revival.
Parishioners from three churches in Queens ignored a chilly drizzle on Saturday, April 20, as they walked in processions to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s Eucharistic Revival.
Santa Claus does have a fanbase in the Dominican Republic, but not as strong as the Baby Jesus, the Three Kings, and La Vieja Belén.
Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Corona is nearly ready to dedicate its newly refurbished bell tower.
Along with spiritual responsibilities, pastors also deal with business-related tasks like building renovations, personnel management, and parish finances. But many of them struggle with completing those tasks while trying to focus on presenting the Gospel.
“Does Anybody Really Know What Time it Is?” The rock group Chicago asked that question in its famous 1969 song. You won’t find an answer if you look at the clock tower atop Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
The Bright Christmas tradition is one that Father Manuel de Jesus Rodriguez of Our Lady of Sorrows does not take lightly.
How many times would an organist have to play the traditional “Bridal Chorus” ballad during the beginning of a wedding? For those in attendance for the ceremony outside Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Corona, Queens, on July 17, the answer was unequivocally simple: as many times it takes to let nearly 30 brides walk down the church aisle.
The 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit celebrated the Diocese of Brooklyn’s resilience during the pandemic and encouraged further development of vibrant, rigorous religious education in local schools and faith formation programs.
For Anabell Maradiaga, moving to Puerto Rico has been an eye-opening experience, compared to life in the concrete jungle of Corona, Queens. The 19-year-old is on her way to becoming part of the Missionary Sisters of Mary for Faith Formation.