20,000 Neocatechumenals Celebrate 50 Years in U.S.

An arena typically filled with fans cheering on the Brooklyn Nets had a different kind of excitement in the air on Sunday, July 7. The Barclays Center was the center of the Neocatechumenal Way universe for the day as nearly 20,000 faithful gathered for a Mass in the famous basketball arena-concert venue to celebrate a significant milestone — the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Catholic movement in the United States.

He Turned From the Way of the Streets to the Way of the Lord 

Johnny Chavez grew up on the tough streets of South Williamsburg 20 years ago, got mixed up with a street gang and became a heroin dealer when he was a high school sophomore. But luckily for him, he was arrested for robbery at the age of 17.

NeoCat Seminary Honors Bishop DiMarzio During Gala Fundraiser

The first fundraising gala for the Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary in the Diocese of Brooklyn was a sold-out event honoring Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, who has strongly supported the distinctive center for strengthening Catholic evangelization.

Bishop Celebrates Pentecost With Neo-Catechumenal Way

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio announced the creation of a new seminary in the Diocese of Brooklyn during the Pentecost Vigil with members of the Neo-catechumenal Way at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn, on Saturday, May 19.

Pentecost and The Way to Holiness

As we approach Pentecost this year, we have received a gift from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, by way of his Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate, Rejoice and Be Glad. These are words that remind us that our happiness comes from our relationship to God, especially through our intimate relationship to the Holy Spirit in whose power we have been baptized and confirmed, and by whose power we receive the sacraments.

Local Family Leaving for Missionary Work in Detroit

In less than two weeks, Matthew and Stephanie Zinser and their three young sons are leaving everything behind their families, jobs and Glendale home – to answer the call to live as missionary disciples.

Father Nicholas Apollonio

Italian-born Father Nicholas Apollonio, 33, gave up on God after a family tragedy, but God never gave up on him.