More Favorite Homilists

Dear Editor: If you want to hear the Gospel readings for the day explained so beautifully and clearly, come to the 8:30 a.m. daily Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Brooklyn and listen to our Msgr. Joseph Calise.

More Homily Comments

Dear Editor: I am responding to the invitation in The Tablet (Feb. 7) entitled “Need for Good Homilies.” First, let me acknowledge that in my parish we have wonderful, dedicated priests. Therefore, this letter is not to criticize but to offer some thoughts that are intended to be constructive regarding homilies at Mass on Sunday. […]

Great Homilists in Diocese

Dear Editor: This is in response to your request (Feb. 7) for those priests/deacons whose love for the Sacred Liturgy and Sacred Word have edified parishioners with that same love.

Need for Good Homilies

It’s no secret that one of the biggest complaints which is lodged against our priests is a perceived poor quality of homiletic skill. This is, at times, compounded with the comment: “Father preaches so long and then realizes the time and rushes through the rest of the Mass.” We are proud of our priests. The […]