Fifteen local women were recently honored by the diocesan ministry to Haitian immigrants for embodying the qualities of maternal figures from the Bible.

Fifteen local women were recently honored by the diocesan ministry to Haitian immigrants for embodying the qualities of maternal figures from the Bible.
The Tablet, with the generous collaboration of the Archbishop John Hughes Knights of Columbus Council No. 481, invited youth from Brooklyn and Queens to participate in the annual “Christ Is Risen Easter Art Contest.”
Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Academy is Mill Basin’s top educational and Catholic institution second to none! The emphasis is on educating the whole child academically, spiritually and socially in preparation for their future role as citizens in a diverse society.
Msgr. John A. Burns, who has lived at Mary, Queen of Heaven parish, Mill Basin, for more than 40 years, died Monday, Jan. 8, at Coney Island Hospital. He was 95 years old.
Savina Salvo, the mother of Josephine Brucato, who works in the diocesan episcopal vicars’ office, died Sept. 8.
Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Academy is Mill Basin’s top educational and Catholic institution, second to none!
The Tablet, with the collaboration of Archbishop John Hughes Knights of Columbus Council No. 481, invited youth from Brooklyn and Queens to participate in the annual “Christ Is Risen Art Contest.”
PASTOR Rev. William F. Sweeney, from parochial vicar to pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, effective June 30. ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Christopher R. Heanue, from parochial vicar, to administrator of Holy Child Jesus, Richmond Hill, effective April 1. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Carlos C. Velasquez, from parochial vicar of St. Sebastian, Woodside, to parochial vicar […]
A Mass of Christian Burial for Father William R. Dulaney, parochial vicar at St. Gregory the Great, Bellerose, and a part-time chaplain at St. Edmund’s H.S., Sheepshead Bay, was celebrated Feb. 16 at St. Gregory the Great Church.
Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Academy is Mill Basin’s top educational and Catholic institution, second to none! The emphasis is on educating the whole child academically, spiritually and socially in preparation for their future roles as citizens in a diverse society.